Just before my 52nd birthday Cameron was born on July 18, 1991. This was a joyous day. We all were present at the hospital, Josh in the delivery room and the rest of us waiting outside in the hallway. It had been a Caesarian birth. When Josh emerged carrying my first grandchild in his arms, Cameron's tiny cheeks were shaking with the shock of being in the world. It was the beginning of a love story - me and my grandchildren. Several years later, Sierra would arrive and that would be the sum of it. And the two of them would be extraordinary. I've spent entire nights watching them sleeping.

This was a hard time for a young couple with their first baby. Josh was having to commute to Kelso, Washington for his job at Foot Locker. During this time Ron began to take more of a role as a father and grandfather in the family. He was just 44 then, one year older than Josh would be when he died 20 years later. Sarah worked one day a week and on that day Josh was home to be with Cameron. The rest of the time she was home. In November Josh was transferred to the Foot Locker at the Lloyd Center in Portland.

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