I do remember that despite my grades and accomplishments I was not voted into Honor Society, a shock and shame to me and, of course, my father. I was, however, the only one of my class who applied to and was accepted at Reed College, famous for its high academic requirements and excellent liberal arts education. Largely because of the influence of my family, all ex-Reedies, my husband-to-be arrived at Reed the year before I did and even chose his major, Russian History, as part of this spell. We became engaged the summer before I began my freshman year and he his sophomore.

Receipts show that my parents paid about $150/month for my freshman year at Reed (though I'm not sure if this was just for lodging and books). There was no student loan or scholarship to my recollection, and I don't remember that I had a student job. Considering the thousands of dollars a year it costs to attend Reed now, it seems a small amount, but at the time it must have been a serious financial burden.

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